The five heaps of not-self
This part of the fourth Satipatthana:
We often automatically identify various things as being our self, or as owned by a self, a self that is unchanging (and therefore that which makes us us in each successive moment). Thinking this way makes us run afoul of the principles we talked about previously: Our attempt to keep something the same (a self in this case) is actually the source of our distress, not its solution. Here we consider these things we naturally tend to take as constituting our self, in order to realize each arises and passes, so can't be an unchanging self, and can't be owned. These things are:
The BODY including the brain;
PERCEPTIONS, including habitual ways of looking at the world;
FEELINGS, the pleasant or unpleasant or neutral tone of existence right now;
volition, the WILL:
and finally CONSCIOUSNESS.
We will consider how each depends on conditions, so changes constantly.
Considering these conditions will show one way to complete the chain of dependent arising (of which we have up to now only shown a key section) so it is close to the normal full Buddhist presentation. (The final part of the chain, not shown, from 'becoming' to 'death' could be taken to be just spelling out the standard presentation for my final link "suffering.":
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlhId... )
This meditation is our third section of the 4th Satipatthana. For the previous section see:
For a lecture on the Buddhist notion of non-self:
For background on meditating on the five heaps:
Analayo (2016). Mindfully facing disease and death. Windhorse Publications. pp 214 -216.
Analayo (2003). Satipatthana: The direct path to realization. Windhorse publications.
On the chain of dependent arising:
Blanchard, L. S. (2012). Dependent arising in context. Narada Publications. Also see:
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Meditation on the five heaps of non-self for children (and adults) |
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